Logo Sani Lodge, Amazon Rainforest Ecuador

096 089 7833

9h00 to 18h00

Sani Lodge

The highest
biodiversity in the
Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest!

Sani Lodge is located inside the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve and owns 24 000 hectares inside the Yasuní National Park. Our total land comprises  42,000 hectares (103,784 acres) of virgin forest. The closest city is Francisco de Orellana ( Coca )  located at three hours away and  totally isolated from western human impacts, a perfect place to enjoy a lush  primary forest considered by scientists like the most diverse spot per unit hectare in the planet.

Sani Lodge

The highest
biodiversity in the
Ecuadorian Amazon

Sani Lodge is located inside the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve and owns 24 000 hectares inside the Yasuní National Park. Our total land comprises  42,000 hectares (103,784 acres) of virgin forest. The closest city is Francisco de Orellana ( Coca )  located at three hours away and  totally isolated from western human impacts, a perfect place to enjoy a lush  primary forest considered by scientists like the most diverse spot per unit hectare in the planet.

Yasuní biosphere reserve​

Staying at Sani Lodge means relaxing in our comfortable cabins, enjoying our native Ecuadorian food, and having all the amenities needed to feel at home with the Kichwa. Our goal is to ensure that you have a local integrative experience so that you can feel completely immersed in the magic of the rainforest.

Mission Sani Lodge

Provide a living for the Kichwa Sani Isla community by hosting visitors, sharing our culture and our unique and beautiful environment, and promoting sustainable ecotourism to the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest

Values Sani Lodge

• Respect for the Environment
•Respect for Human Dignity
• Team work
• Professionalism
•Commitment to Visitors Solidarity

Vision Sani Lodge

To provide the world with a deeper understanding of what it means to live in harmony with the forest and allow others to experience our way of life. By promoting sustainable practices here in Ecuador, we can demonstrate to the world how impactful sustainable ecotourism can be. Becoming a tourist destination of excellence with international recognition allows us to grow, protect our community, our home The Rainforest , culture, and traditions for generations to come.