Logo Sani Lodge, Amazon Rainforest Ecuador

096 089 7833

9h00 to 18h00



Oil is found throughout the Amazon, from Ecuador to Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil, whose profits from exploitation have been the primary source of income in most of these countries. It has undoubtedly benefited most of the population, but the negative impacts on the environment and communities are devastating and challenging to quantify. WATER AND

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Love in the jungle

The Amazonian Kichwas have incorporated in their culture a wide range of stories, myths, legends, and tales as part of their cosmovision, in which the contact with nature allows them to inspire situations, moments, and beliefs similar to the Western world; such is the case of the full moon with a bird called Mother Moon

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Since the beginning of Sani Lodge, we have been working tirelessly to offer our guests a unique, sustainable experience with gender equality and conservation of the Amazon forests critical to the planet’s climate regulation. Tripadvisor has echoed this proposal and continuously awarded us as Travelers’ Choice in the years 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019. Since

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The Amazon: Electric world

Ecuador is going through one of the most challenging times in its history due to the lack of rainfall in the hydroelectric plants caused by an unexpected climate change. In the Sierra, there is a common saying, «Abril aguas mil,» which refers to the amount of rain expected in one of the year’s wettest months.

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The New Sani Lodge

The pandemic brought to life one of the most remarkable systems of community work in Amazonian culture: la Minga, which can be defined as free collective work for the common good. It was time to renovate the lodge that had provided work for its members for over twenty years. The families who could not participate

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Florence came running to the bar, where I was checking in the book some rare birds we had seen in the morning from the observation tower, to tell me that Lucy was talking to her husband. I didn’t know how to react; I just ran out onto the dock where Mike was standing in front

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I couldn’t believe what my dad had given us for our honeymoon: a trip to the Ecuadorian Amazon, which, unlike its neighbors like Colombia, Peru, and distant Brazil, is only 30 minutes by plane from Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Our private guide, Churi, met us at Coca airport to drive us to the banks

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A guide´s view of Ecuador

Welcome back to everyday life I went on a trip that I have done hundreds of times in my country because tourism is my passion, and I have studied it professionally. This time, it had a different flavor as, after the hectic days of January, the country returned to normality, to the one that captivates

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